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Comforting Touch for Birth Professionals

Dear Birthworker,

What if I told you there is a resource that could upgrade your client's birthing experience, add value to your services, all while taking something off your plate and giving you time back?

Comforting Touch for Birth Professionals is AN EDUCATIONAL, VIDEO-BASED RESOURCE LIBRARY FOR YOUR CLIENTS, designed for exactly that! It's filled with Comforting Touch guidance for partners, and new and expecting parents, that's easy to navigate and use.
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The Benefits of your Comforting Touch for Birth Professionals resource include:

  • Your pregnant clients feeling well supported by their partners.

  • Partners feeling more capable, confident, skillful, empowered, and prepared when it comes to offering hands-on support for birth.

  • The benefit of feeling more comfortable in early labor.

  • Couples staying home longer and needing you later.

  • Clients understanding the "gate control theory of pain" as it relates to birth.

  • Partners knowing what to do and what not to do when it comes to providing comfort in labor.

  • Extra gratitude to you for providing them with such a useful resource!

  • And depending on how you use it, an additional revenue stream for your birth biz!

Get one year of unlimited access for $299

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If you’re a doula, midwife, or other birth professional,


You care about your people and you want them to have everything they need to feel capable, confident, skillful, empowered and prepared for birth.


You know Comforting Touch is a huge part of the preparation that gives birthing people and their partners confidence leading up to birth. The kind of confidence that helps them stay home longer and need you later.


Hey, there's no shame in making your job easier!

You also know how important partner support in labor is for their partnership, and entering parenthood feeling securely bonded and supported.


As one client shared, “I can feel to this day, my husband’s hip squeezes in labor, how good it felt.” 

Comforting Touch is the main attraction for most expectant couples to any kind of childbirth education. How amazing to *include it in your service package!


*Birth-workers report significantly greater use of classes and resources included in their packages compared with classes and resources recommended separately.

This makes it easy for you do that, adding value to your packages by including these resources with them.​​

What's inside? Your private access resource page includes:

  • My 80 minute on-demand Comforting Touch for Birth class for partner support. 

  • My digital guidebook with 10 easy to access demonstration videos of various massage and counter-pressure techniques for labor, pregnancy and postpartum.

  • A comfort measures checklist to support prenatal exploration and conversation in preparation for birth.

  • An additional exclusive demo video of an easy postpartum neck stretch not available to your clients anywhere else.

  • My full Comforting Touch for Babies massage class with helpful techniques for relieving gas, teething, bonding with baby and more.

How it works is simple...


For an annual fee of $299, you'll receive unlimited private access to the Comforting Touch for Birth Professionals client resource page, including all of the above for all of your personal clients for the whole year!


That comes out to about a $5-$12 investment per client depending on how many people you serve, which you are also welcome to up-sell for a profit.


Are you ready to provide this valuable resource to your people?

And possibly even grow your revenue?

Sign up now!

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Hi, I'm Yiska Obadia and I've been a bodyworker for nearly 30 years. After attending my first birth in 2001, I became a doula and eventually created Comforting Touch classes for doulas and expectant parents after realizing how much I could offer from my collective experiences working with thousands of pregnant, postpartum and birth doula clients over the years. Making touch more accessible, comfortable, sustainable, and supportive has become one of my life's greatest passions; offering doulas, midwives, birth educators, pregnant people and their perinatal counterparts the insights and skills they need to share Comforting Touch with confidence.

Partner Video Testimonial:

Provider Testimonial:


"Touch is healing and such an essential part of feeling safe and connected, a critical aspect in the birth journey. Yiska’s comforting touch class is a must for all the families in our midwifery practice. The families love it and find it such an unexpected bonus. This aspect of partner support really should be available to anyone and I’m very fortunate to have crossed paths with Yiska and found out about her work. Best of all, this is the kind of skill that you continue to use beyond pregnancy." 


Homebirth Midwife, Kimm Sun

- Austen, Father of 3


What's included in the on-demand class? The class covers a clear explanation of the gate control theory of pain, as well as other principles of Comforting Touch designed to improve partner's support skills and boost confidence, especially during labor. They will learn counter-pressure techniques, like the hip squeeze (taught with my signature sustainability approach) as well as techniques for back labor support. They will also learn massage and other relaxation techniques and understand what to do (and not do), and when, as well as how to modify for different positions throughout labor. The class even covers a bit about pelvic balancing as it relates to optimal fetal positioning, reinforcing the significance of this component of pregnancy and birth.

Does it matter how many clients I have? No. You'll have unlimited access to share it with all of your personal clients for the full length of your yearly subscription.


Do you just send me an access link when I sign up? Yep! You'll receive an email after purchase with your personal link to pass along to your clients whenever and however you wish. You can also promote this value-added resource in your marketing.

What happens at the end of the year? You will have an opportunity to renew and receive a new access link for the following year. Though you will likely want to renew, you are under no obligation to do so and will not be charged unless you actively renew.

What about my clients who are un-partnered? While much of the content is geared toward couples, your single clients may wish to watch and practice with a friend or family member, and will benefit from the parts of the resource page that offer self-applied comfort measures, and the baby massage portion. 

Can I sell this to my clients for a profit? Yes! In fact, for example, if you charged an extra $100 per client for a package that includes this resource for 15 clients, you'd turn an extra $1200 profit on your $299 investment! I do recommend you include the cost in your fee structure to encourage clients to see it as an integral part of their program with you, rather than as an optional add-on, but apart from this recommendation, I'm in full support of this contributing to your revenue growth.

More questions? Message me here.

Final Words of Praise from Prenatal Students:

"Just wanted to thank you again...I felt so much more at ease knowing that Jacob and I would be able to dance the dance together when the time came. Last night he did...really well and he told me it felt so good to know what to do and have the skills to help me. It's funny that sometimes that need isn't necessarily articulated or felt clearly but after the fact, it's like, hey wait a minute, I'm SO glad I know that now. You are a wonderful teacher!" H.

"Wanted to let you know how helpful your massage techniques were while I labored - Chris did an excellent job supporting me.  We relied heavily on what we had learned in class and felt confident throughout the process allowing good decision making it possible for love and joy to shine throughout the process." J.

Ready to make your professional life easier and set your clients up for success when it comes to comfort for birth and beyond?

Get one year of unlimited access for $299

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