How could you not?
I'm on a compassion kick lately. We are so freakin' tough on ourselves, there are just moments it feels especially shocking! This will be...

What's the point of acupuncture for labor?
I wanted to write this post to help people understand how acupuncture can be used to support or encourage labor. Let’s start with the bad...

What's your word?
This year, a teacher of mine made a suggestion to me that I want to pass along to you, because it's made for such a grounding, empowering...

My Tongue Tie Release Story Continued.
First of all, I can't believe I'm not embarrassed to share this post! But I did say I would share the rest of this story so here goes......

How Clothespins Work.
It’s Comforting Touch season around here and I’m loving it. I realized some of my most favorite moments of class are those when a...

My tongue tie release story.
Believe it or not, this photo best demonstrates how I feel one week after my adult tongue tie release! This sh*t's exhausting! Truly I...

#MeToo for Babies.
When I teach my Comforting Touch for Babies classes, one of the first things I talk about are the 3 core steps of any good baby massage....

Page 6 Edited.
It's taken me a while to get to this but better late than never I say! What I'm talking about are my edits for page 6 of Comforting Touch...

It's Alright to Cry.
It’s been almost 2 months since I’ve shared anything on my blog. Not that I owe anyone an explanation, especially those of you who are...

The Sleep Hormone & The Love Hormone Walk Into A Bar...
A few weeks ago I listened to this amazing interview with Michel Odent, a French obstetrician and physiological childbirth specialist....