Comfort Measures
Last week I posted a simple question to my facebook page. “If you’ve given birth, what was one of your favorite comfort measures?” The...

A Comforting Touch Doula Story #1 - Erin Pasquet
I'm so excited to share this short video shot by Erin Pasquet, an amazing doula who attended one of my Comforting Touch workshops last...

Slow Down, Winter Crossing
This month, I want to talk about slowing down. About winter and replenishment. I was struck recently by the wording of a recent event...

Talking to Yourself
I recently found myself returning to an old writing exercise I love. The self-reflective and personal growth kind that does in fact...

You're Pregnant! Now What?!
As a doula and childbirth educator I’ve worked with hundreds of couples in preparation for the birth of their child. Experience has...

A Few Questions?
Without question, there are some definite things worth knowing about your care provider’s approach to birth that you will only discover...

The Touch Women Want
What kind of touch do women want in labor? I'll tell you! In childbirth the kind of touch a woman wants is in some ways different and in...

What Makes a Doula a Doula.
It seemed like such a funny question to me at first to ask if there are any medical interventions I won't work with. Not that I fault my...