Low back pain relief!
I have a gift for you this week for those of you who ever suffer with low back pain or tension or wish you could help someone else who...

More exciting than amusement parks.
Ever since I began developing my curriculum for Comforting Touch for Doulas, I started spending a lot of time thinking about what...

What new parents need more than a baby shower.
A few articles have come out lately bringing attention to the many needs of the postpartum parent. Some of these voices have pointed out...

What Comforting Touch for Doulas is REALLY About.
I hope this shot conveys my absolute love of teaching Comforting Touch for Doulas! It captures a moment in class when I was demonstrating...

Shelf-life of a doula
Burnout rates amongst doulas are notoriously high. The shelf-life for many won't last more than a few years. Although I haven't found a...

How Clothespins Work.
It’s Comforting Touch season around here and I’m loving it. I realized some of my most favorite moments of class are those when a...

Page 6 Edited.
It's taken me a while to get to this but better late than never I say! What I'm talking about are my edits for page 6 of Comforting Touch...

Better Than a Cup of Coffee
It may be shocking and I may be the only birth professional who feels this way, but I have to admit, I do not like the way coffee feels....

A Horse to Water
You know the phrase, “you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink”? This metaphor came up recently with a doula colleague...

Let me help you stick your butt out.
"Let me help you stick your butt out"?! This will make perfect sense in a minute, I promise, and admittedly this one's primarily for you...