3 Great Ways to Use a Rebozo
A rebozo is the Mexican word that refers to a beautifully woven shawl used during pregnancy, childbirth, and baby wearing by women in...

Constructive Rest
I learned this restorative practice in a psoas workshop with my teacher, Liz Koch. Since then this has been a lifesaver for me on many...

Bubbling Spring
One of my all time favorite acupressure points, Kidney-1. Also named "Bubbling Spring" this point is located on the sole of each foot...

What if she doesn't like what I'm doing?
A great question came out in last month's survey, asking how to deal with something every birth support person worries about at some...

Foot Massage Video
Foot massage is perhaps one of life’s greatest pleasures. It enhances blood circulation throughout the entire body and can be deeply...

Sustaining Energy During Labor: 4 Tips for Doulas and Partners
One of the most important things about providing support for a laboring woman, whether it’s your partner or client is knowing how to...

Rhythm, Routine, & Consistency
Rhythm, routine, consistency. Three loves of our nervous systems. I was reminded of this in a recent yoga class. We started with slow...

Comfort Measures
Last week I posted a simple question to my facebook page. “If you’ve given birth, what was one of your favorite comfort measures?” The...

A Comforting Touch Doula Story #1 - Erin Pasquet
I'm so excited to share this short video shot by Erin Pasquet, an amazing doula who attended one of my Comforting Touch workshops last...

You're Pregnant! Now What?!
As a doula and childbirth educator I’ve worked with hundreds of couples in preparation for the birth of their child. Experience has...