More exciting than amusement parks.
Ever since I began developing my curriculum for Comforting Touch for Doulas, I started spending a lot of time thinking about what...

How Clothespins Work.
It’s Comforting Touch season around here and I’m loving it. I realized some of my most favorite moments of class are those when a...

Let me help you stick your butt out.
"Let me help you stick your butt out"?! This will make perfect sense in a minute, I promise, and admittedly this one's primarily for you...

3 Great Ways to Use a Rebozo
A rebozo is the Mexican word that refers to a beautifully woven shawl used during pregnancy, childbirth, and baby wearing by women in...

Foot Massage Video
Foot massage is perhaps one of life’s greatest pleasures. It enhances blood circulation throughout the entire body and can be deeply...

Sustaining Energy During Labor: 4 Tips for Doulas and Partners
One of the most important things about providing support for a laboring woman, whether it’s your partner or client is knowing how to...

The Touch Women Want
What kind of touch do women want in labor? I'll tell you! In childbirth the kind of touch a woman wants is in some ways different and in...