What Comforting Touch for Doulas is REALLY About.

I hope this shot conveys my absolute love of teaching Comforting Touch for Doulas!
It captures a moment in class when I was demonstrating what happened in one of my favorite birth video clips. In it, the father is supporting his partner during contractions with a hip squeeze. During a break between contractions he gets up to do something and before he knows it, before he's able to get back into "proper position", his partner's next contraction starts. In a pinch he ends up crouching down and hugging her hips (as shown above) which, as it turns out, worked just as well!
I share this in class to inspire and nurture my students' confidence and creativity. So often, especially as a beginner, we fail to recognize just how intuitive and creative we can be when we trust our natural instincts.
It gives me great joy to encourage that freedom of expression in a doula. That's so much of what Comforting Touch for Doulas is about.
Of course I teach a lifetime supply of techniques and principles of touch and new anatomy, all while learning how to take care of your own body. But at the end of the day, I share what I know with other doulas, not to create a new external standard to measure up to, but rather as a framework for each doula to infuse with their own innate caring.
And next I'm doing it in California...Join me there!