The Universal Language of Touch

Whether we’re talking about Comforting Touch, Havening Touch, soft touch, firm touch, attentive or distracted touch, all touch is a communication.
In my Comforting Touch classes, for doulas and expectant parents, we look at this universal language and just how much can be communicated through this sense. From the way slowing our touch down conveys safety, to how using both hands communicates our full presence, to the ways others may be affected by how we do or don’t punctuate our touch.
Last week I shared a post to Instagram that went completely “viral”, for me. To date it garnered over 340k views, 2300 likes, 6400 shares, 1300 saves and 300 new followers. What struck me about this level of engagement was how many people it reached from across the world. Despite the dozens of different native tongues among these people, they all understood the language of touch, and how calming the simple soothing strokes I demonstrated would be for their people during labor.
Also last week I attended a birth as a backup for clients I had never met prior to them being in labor. The Havening and Comforting Touch I was able to provide immediately communicated she was safe. That she could handle the intensity of the moment. That she was powerful and fully supported. I wish I had footage of her partner and me flanking her hospital bedside offering on and off hours of synchronized Havening Touch down her arms until and even after her baby was born.
Touch is a universal language. It is a direct line to our nervous systems. With intentionality, we can “speak” so our “listeners” receive the messages of our positive intent, of safety, calm, and care. That's what every Comforting Touch offering is about. I hope I get to learn with you or someone you know soon!